Children of the World International Children's Choir is made up of 39 children from Guatemala,
Uganda, and Nepal. Many of these children are orphans and they all live in children's homes
in their country, because their families were not able to provide for them. They are between
the ages of 7 and 12. They travel to the US to raise awareness for the plight of orphaned and
disadvantaged children all over the world. The children who participate in the choir will receive a four-year scholarship to the college of their choice in their home countries, after completing high school. These kids do an awesome job, I was was so surprised at how well they preformed. I love the songs they sing, and it is so cute when the little ones sing a solo. You can find out more about these children and World Help at this website:
You won't want to miss this recording of one of their concerts. This is #1 out of 5, so make sure to
find the next one after watching each one. Enjoy!